Tomiyuki Sakamoto has over twenty years' experience in the securities and investment banking industry in Japan, the United States, Canada, and Hong Kong. He specializes in the equity, banking, and asset management sectors for Japan and Hong Kong. He began his career in Tokyo at Nomura Securities, advancing to international equity sales, including heading the equity team in its Toronto office, where he managed an international staff. After eleven years at Nomura, he served with Morgan Stanley and UBS for five years each as an executive director in Tokyo. At UBS, he led the block sales team, conducting major transactions for both investors and corporations. He then moved to the strategic solution group in IBD as a syndication manager. While in Tokyo he focused mainly on Japanese equity sales, he is also experienced in IBD banking at UBS and marketing a hedge fund in Honolulu. He has vast knowledge of both the buy side and sell side, as well as the primary and secondary markets. Tomiyuki graduated from Doshisha University in Kyoto with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Commerce and holds a Master of Business Administration from Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu
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